
Yumeya Furniture - Wood Grain Metal Commercial Dining Chairs Manufacturer & Supplier For Hotel Chairs, event Chairs & restaurant chairs 

Production process of metal wood grain chairs in Yumeya Furniture


YUMEIYA Furniture Co., LTD is one of the competetive furniture coroperation in Heshan. It is well-known for its high quality, well organation and good reputation. It has been built friendly and long-term business relationship with many foreign companies. This article is going to introduce the process of how the plant to produce.

Production process of metal wood grain chairs in Yumeya Furniture 1

First of all , there is a brief introduction of the priciple of our company. The principle is GOOD QUALITY which consists of five parts: safety, comfort, standard, detail & package. Safety means that chairs are strong enough to sustain people and prevent them from getting hurt when setting on the chairs. The raw materials we use are the best quality all over the market. In order to prevent people from slipping off chairs, front legs of chairs are longer than rear legs. Therefore we pay highly attention on the detail of chairs to aviod any mistakes and try best to make every chair smooth and tidy. Comfort is that every chair we priduced is comfortable for its humanized design. We choose high density foam or high density molded foam to make seats that are soft and comfortable. Standrard is that every chair we produced is same, and do not have big difference in an order. Detail means the detail of chairs, and many produce steps have quality check system and which is aim at avoiding any mistakes during the production. The last one is package which is mainly talked about the package of the products. Package play an important role in whole production. Well package can protect products during transportation. During the transpotation chairs will hit each other or collapse, in order to prevent the chairs from being broken or being demaged we must choose the best package way to avoid any accident.

Next is the introduction of production process of the chairs.

1.Cutting raw materials

The raw material of production in our plant are aluminum, steel, stainless steel. Aluminium is often used to make chairs because it is easy to shape and does not rust easily. Our factory is equipped with a cutting machine imported from Japan, which can ensure that the cut of the raw material is smooth and the error is controlled within 0.5mm. This not only reduces errors and improves quality, but also saves labor costs and increases efficiency.

Production process of metal wood grain chairs in Yumeya Furniture 2

2. Warpping tubes

We will wrap the tube by machine, which can make the shape of tubes more standard and reduce mistake and cost.

3. Components adjustment

We will adjust components so that they are all in the same standard, and lay a good foundation for the subsequent process and reduce errors. However few factories have this step, they just adjust the product at last. If the product have any mistake, it is hard to change in the final steps. Therefore this step is an advantage in our company.

4. Drilling hole

After wrappping tubes, we will drill holes. The holes are generally screw holes and splicing holes. The purpose of drilling is to allow various components to be combined together.

5. Reinforcing hardness

When the previous steps are completed, the component is placed in a furnace where high temperature increases its hardness.The hardness of the raw materials we purchase is 3-4 degrees, and after processing, its hardness can be increased to 13-14 degrees. The purpose is to reduce the deformation of the components and ensure the quality of the chair.

6. Welding

In this part we will weld the components together to form the frame of the chair. About welding, we have machine welding and manual welding. Machine welding has high efficiency, high strength and standardization. It can control the error within 1mm, when the error is greater than 1mm, the machine will stop working. The effect of machine welding is like fish scales, so it is also called fish scale welding. The fish scale welding strength is strong, and it is not easy to break, which provides a guarantee for the quality of the chair.

Production process of metal wood grain chairs in Yumeya Furniture 3

7. Product adjustment

After the chair frame is finished, we will adjust the frame, inner frame and details, all of which are to improve the quality of the chair and reduce mistakes.

8. Polishing

Polishing is to smooth the surface of the chair, checking every detail to prevent the chair from being uneven and leaving a safety hazard.

9. Washing by acid

Washing by acid is to make the chair chemically react with the acid to wash away the impurities attached to the surface of the chair.

10. Product polishing

We will also carry out a fine polishing of the finished chair frame. This is mainly for details, making sure that the surfaces of the chairs are all flat and smooth.

11. Powder Coat

We have many kinds of powder coat, such as metal wood grain powder coat, Dou TM powder coat and so on. Metal wood grain is our strength and core, and we also constantly refine and enhance this process. We have been used TIGER Powder Coat for many years. We also cooperated with TIGER to develop a new process, named Dou TM Powder Coat. Dou TM Powder Coat not only the effect is better, but also in line with international environmental protection standards.

12. Pasting wood grain paper

Pasting wood grain paper on the frame of the chair with glue, and print the wood grain on the frame through a special process.

13. Air dry &tying rope

This process is to make the wood grain paper and frame fully contact, so that the wood grain is firmly printed on the frame.

14. Baking

After high temperature, the wood grain on the paper will be transferred to the metal frame by heat, thus forming the metal wood grain.

15. Ripping off the wood grain paper

Ripping off the paper, we can see metal wood grain has been formed in the frame.

16. Installing glides

We have nylon glides and metal adjustable glides. Nylon glides is ordinary glides and metal adjustable glides can be adjust according to the floor.

17. Cutting board & cotton

This pocess is to prepare materials to cover the frame of chairs.

18. Upholstery

We will use foam, cotton and board to make back of chairs and seats, this poccess we call it upholstery.   

19. Inatallation

When all components have been done, we will install them and a complete chair has finished.

20. Quality check

We have professional quality check system. After finishing batch of chairs, we will select a few chairs for inspection, the purpose is to ensure the quality of the chairs and give customers the perfect product.

21. Cleaning & package

When everything is well, the chairs will be cleaned and packaged to our customer.

This is the entire process of our chair production, and we are constantly improving each process, committed to improving the quality of our products and providing customers with better services.

 Production process of metal wood grain chairs in Yumeya Furniture 4


Yumeya Metal Wood Grain
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