
Yumeya Furniture - Wood Grain Metal Commercial Dining Chairs Manufacturer & Supplier For Hotel Chairs, event Chairs & restaurant chairs 

Hotel Banquet Furniture -high -quality Products Are the Trust of Consumers

Hotel banquet furniture -high -quality products are the trust of consumers

Hotel furniture frequently appears in international high -end brands in the media and people's sight; Da Vinci; Sky furniture is exposed to be produced by domestic small workshops. Its forged foreign ancestry, even the quality of the product, disappointed the majority of consumers. What is even more confusing is that at present the hotel furniture market stealing beams and changing pillars; foreign brands; not a few companies selling domestic furniture, and the so -called sky -high price is actually part of the product concept packaging. At the end of the merchant's various sales tricks, it was innocent consumers.

Hotel Banquet Furniture -high -quality Products Are the Trust of Consumers 1

As consumers pay more attention to the quality of hotel furniture products, the flavor of the taste; the bone soup door;; the China Nongnong University test report; and KFC's; the soy milk door; Out of the water. We are not only distressed by the false exaggerated publicity of these so -known brands, but also the more distressing is that consumers have doubted, and there are more similar lies in other industries and other consumption links The most basic trust.

The quality of product quality in the Chinese market is not an accidental phenomenon. The product quality inspection standards and the defects of the quality inspection system contained in it are exposed. As far as the counterfeit incident of Da Vinci furniture, according to regulations, the country and the local area should conduct random inspections on hotel furniture products. At the same time, the market economy has game rules, corporate behavior has legal borders, and the government has set up supervision links such as quality inspection, import and export inspection and quarantine, and business management. Magic; we have been rampant in the domestic market for several years.

Throughout the competition in the hotel furniture market at home and abroad, products that rely on concept packaging ignore product quality are completely without continuous vitality. Zhu Lan, a master of quality management, once said: The 21st century is the century of quality;

As a hotel banquet furniture production and exporter, hotel furniture companies face the inside; Da Vinci; the negative impact of the incident on the entire industry, and the outside world is facing the strong brand of overseas furniture brands. Practicing internal skills, improving industry self -discipline, and taking out truly high -quality products to rebuild consumers' trust is the way to survive.

Hotel Banquet Furniture -high -quality Products Are the Trust of Consumers 2

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